Sunday, August 17, 2008

Finally Nursing

Arlynda got to nurse Seth this morning! She said he latched on really well. The night nurse didn't know why they didn't let her nurse him yesterday. Anyway, Seth still has his IV in and apparently they don't like to release kids from the NICU until 24 hours after they get their IV out. Other than that he doesn't need to be in the NICU for anything. Aside from these administrative frustrations everything is going swimmingly. We're planning on them coming home on Tuesday.


Lura said...

Hooray for nursing! I'm glad you guys get to go home soon.

Anonymous said...

So, how big is he?

Jamie said...

He was 6 lbs 8.9 oz at birth. On Saturday he was 6 lbs 9.4 I think. I don't know how much he weighed yesterday or today.

Evelyn said...

Congratulations on the new Jorgensen! I hope he and Mom get to come home soon.


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