Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Poem

This morning I was listening to NPR and decided I would write a poem. Here it is:

A Poem to be Read by Garrison Keillor on the Writer's Almanac

This is a poem to be read by Garrison Keillor on the Writer's Almanac
It's not a very good poem,
but I know he will read it.
He will read it because
it mentions his name, which will appeal to his sense of vanity,
and he will think it paradoxical that the poem refers to itself.
As he reads it
he will probably be thinking
"This poem is complete garbage,
"and it's not even written by a poet,"
(which will make him a little jealous)
But I know that he will read it
(I hear his voice in my head as I write)
because he cannot afford to alienate me
a loyal listener
who every year sends in my $35
to the local radio station
to keep him on the air,
and besides
it's got such a great finish.

1 comment:

Lura said...

Nice poem, Jamie. You should send it to him.


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